I think the most surprising part of this read about digital art is that some of the first "computer-generated images" were exhibited in 1965. I'm not entirely sure why, but that was astonishing to me. I didn't think computers were used - even something as simple as a couple lines over the page. Even computer film-making was being done as easrly as '61! I always imagined computer art taking place in the late 70's, late 80's, right around the time my dad was in college.
When Galloway and Rabinowitz organized "the world's first interactive satellite dance performance"they had to be "in conjunction with NASA and the Eucational Television Center in Menlo Park, CA"? I love the fact that, 20+ years later, I don't have to consult anyone except my friend when I was to video chat with him from here to Virginia. And it takes about 10 seconds to set up. Technology<3
I liked this when I read it: "Digital art has brought about work tha collapes boundaries between disciplines - art, science, technology, and design - and that originates in various fields, including research-and-development labs and academia". I like that art opens doors like this.
The author talks about digital medium not being accepted in a lot fo museums because of the effort it takes to display it, as well as the money. Given, this book was first published in 2003, which was not that long ago. But I hope that most museums are thinking about opening up their exhibits (as well as their wallets) to show these kinds of works. I think it's importants for children, as well as adults, to see that this kind of art is valid, and the best way for that to happen is for museums to start taking the time to display the artworks.